Keep Tracking Your Website

Your website is the “shop window” of your Business online and like your shop, you need to keep track of it’s progress.

In my previous blogs I have advised on how people should be making sure all your social media is linked up, how “content is key” and how important it is to keep your website updated.

If you have made at least one of these changes from my previous blogs, great! But are you keeping track of how this is improving your site?

Google Analytics is the most widely used website analytics tool and is free. This will go into great detail about how many visitors your website is getting, how they are getting there, how long they are staying on there plus much more.

It is vitally important to keep track of your websites progress, otherwise issues may be hidden due to the website owner not knowing their website visits has dropped or people are only staying for a matter of seconds.

Building up these statistics is such an important part of marketing your website as it gives you an insight into which pages are getting the highest & lowest views, therefore allowing you to think of ideas to improve the “not so popular” pages. It also gives you an insight as to how long people are staying on your website, it is important you draw people in and make them want to read your content.

A website isn‘t just something that is built and then “up and running”, a lot of time and effort needs to be invested into marketing it, keeping it updated and promotion. If you do not have the time to keep your website updated, get in touch with A R Website Design to discuss managing your website for you.

A R Website Design